Pros and Cons of Having a Short Winter Break


In case you haven’t heard, this year UCLA’s winter break is two weeks long instead of the usual three *sobs hysterically*.  But there are always pros and cons to every situation, so here are OTH’s opinions about having a short winter break this year!

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How to Keep Off the Holiday Pounds



With Thanksgiving come and gone, and winter holidays approaching, we must prepare for the inevitable (and glorious) feasting/weight gain.  If you’re freaking out that you’re going to come back looking like Jabba the Hutt, read these helpful tips on how to not gain 50 pounds in your two week break!

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Free Stuff Every UCLA Student Has


So you’re almost done with your first quarter at UCLA, congratulations!  Even if you already feel like you know the ins and outs of this school, there are still some things that may surprise you.  Like did you know that as a UCLA student you have access to about a billion resources?!??!?  That may have been an exaggeration, but here are some good unknown resources for UCLA students!
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What You Need to Know for Winter Enrollment


It’s the time of the quarter when everyone is obsessing over class planners, upper and lower div’s, and PTE numbers: it’s time to enroll for courses for next quarter.  Is this new news to you?  If so, you should definitely read below about what you should be doing to make sure you are enrolling in your dream classes next quarter!

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Pets on the Hill: Dallas


This week OTH got an interview with one of the Hill’s lesser known residents, Dallas!  Dallas belongs to Jordan Richman, the Resident Director of Hitch Suites.  You can usually find Dallas hanging out in Hitch’s ResLife office, staring adorably at you until you pet him.  Here are the exclusive details on this three year old Jack Russell and Wire Fox Terrier mix!
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Alcohol 101


Everyone had to do the infamous “Alcohol EDU” before coming to UCLA, but let’s get real: you didn’t really pay attention, did you?  That’s ok, because I’ve picked out the best tips from AlcoholEDU and some other sources to abide by while participating in your own festivities.

1. Always pour your own drinks or have a bartender pour it for you.  If you don’t, someone could put other things you wouldn’t want in your drink.

2. Playing drinking games is one way to ensure yourself a rough next morning.  You end up consuming excessive amounts of alcohol without even thinking about it.  Either avoid playing games or definitely limit the amount of times you play.  And you can always offer to play the game and then not drink, no one is going to sue you.

3. Make sure to drink on a full stomach to slow down the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into your body.

4. Take 1000mg of vitamin C before going out for a night on the town.  There have actually been studies that prove that taking vitamin C the night before will help you recover better in the morning.

5. Take two aspirins before going to bed after you get home.  It will make your next day significantly better!

Want some more tips on going out?  Here is a source you can use for more information!