Things to do in September

Bruin Bash

Looking for things to do this month? Here is a list of events going on in September!

  1. Check out the new exhibit at the Getty called “In Focus: Tokyo“. See the city through a lens not seen by many.
  2. On the second Thursday of September go to DTLA to see the Downtown Art Walk. From 12pm-12am, this event celebrates the arts in all its forms!
  3. BRUIN BASH! Get excited to come back to school this year by going to UCLA’s annual Bruin Bash on 9/29!

Enjoy your last few weeks of summer! OTH can’t wait to see you all this fall!

by Laurie Goodman

Top 5 Residential Halls


So you’re a freshman and you are trying to figure out the best places to live… and you have no idea. Luckily for you, OTH has spent many years on the hill, so we know the greatest places to live.

1. Sproul Hall – Its proximity to all of the dining halls, restaurants, and campus make it an ideal location, in our personal opinion. More than 1,000 students live in this hall, so you can be assured that you will never feel lonely.

2. Sproul Landing/Cove – Pro Tip: These are the newest buildings on the hill. If you’re a suckler for great facilities, look no further. Just like Sproul Hall, it is ideally located near the dining halls, restaurants and the mailroom. We put it as second place because there are less freshmen on this building. Not that this is a bad thing, but we figured it’ll be more fun to hang around with fellow freshmen!

3. Dykstra Hall – Dykstra Hall is the first residential hall at UCLA. Ever. But fret not, Dykstra is also very new. It was renovated last year and so now it is all swanky and awesome. It is the closest residential hall to campus, but further from the dining halls, so pick your poison. More walking or more food?

4. Holly/Gardenia – Like Sproul Cove/Landing, they are pretty new too. Legend has it that if you live on the highest floor, you can see the ocean on a clear day. Mmm. Even though slow elevators hamper their appeal, these buildings are also in great condition, making them an excellent option.

5. Anything on Rieber – Easy access to the coffee machine with numerous flavors and a 24 hour printing lab make for a good place to live. Rieber residents were recently granted excellent access to some of The Hill’s guilty pleasures, ie. boba and De Neve Late Night. You will realize that you will have to climb the never-ending Rieber staircase on the way back everyday, but you will also thank the stairs for burning the fats from all those late night snacking.

There you have it. It might be a difficult choice, but rest assured EVERYTHING on the hill is awesome and you will love where you live anyway. We hope you will find your ideal residential hall!

by Jerry Cheung


Study Abroad: Africa


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in Africa!

Africa’s number one location is Accra, Ghana!  This may be a biased account (since yours truly studied abroad there last year), but Accra is the best.  In all seriousness, come to Accra if you want to learn about international development, public health, environmental studies, or West African culture!  You can also intern with local and international NGO’s that are located in the area.  And you can’t beat buying a coconut from a guy off the side of the road who chops it open for you with a machete.

Africa’s honorable mention is Cape Town, South Africa.  With a more mild climate than West Africa, Cape Town is great for those who want to go to Africa, without as much risk of tropical diseases.  It is best for study abroad students who want to focus in political science and global studies.

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman

Ad of the Week: AXE

So, you usually watch AXE commercials, and you think, “Wow. They’re so irrational.” Because let’s face it, whether it be “Score”, “Pulse”, or “Dimension”, girls aren’t going to be jumping onto men in ravenous lust. The creative geniuses of AXE have discovered this truth also. Thus, they’ve come up with:

The new take on AXE — where it becomes about romance — is interesting on many fronts. First, the ending scene in which the two are shown walking hand in hand implies AXE gets you relationships. Perhaps the AXE strategy team has found through research hookup culture has left millenials wanting more. Or perhaps, the commercial is really for moms and girlfriends. The emotional appeal from the romantic short given that previous branding has all been about sex may be appealing to women who might think “Wow, maybe AXE isn’t all that bad.”

Who knows? Only those of you will buy AXE knows. That, or perhaps, there is nothing is to take from the commercial; and its simply a different formula AXE plans to adopt as entertainment. Even so, OTH wants to help you see ads in a different light. This is the last ad post of the quarter, so you’ll see more ad analysis next quarter!

by Jerry Cheung

Study Abroad: Europe


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in Europe!

For Europe, our number one choice would be Barcelona! Enjoy the vibrant culture and daily siestas in this amazing European city. Home to some of the most unique architecture in the world, this is a great place for Art History majors, as well as those who want to perfect their Spanish.  With a mild climate, you don’t have to experience the harsh winters of other European cities.

Honorable mention for Europe goes to Prague! Most people skip over the Czech Republic when looking at study abroad sites, and don’t realize that Prague is an up and coming global European city. The “City of Spires” has a rich and preserved history as well as newer installments (like the Lennon Wall), making it a city you definitely do not want to miss!

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman

Fun Events in August

how-to-page-1 Are you in a summer rut? Here are some events around LA to check out in August!

  1. Go see a movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery! Take part in this longstanding tradition, where people watch old movies on top of people who used to be in movies.
  2. Do you love folk music? Then you’re in luck! The Hollywood Bowl has Glen Hansard, The Head and the Heart, and Iron and Wine playing all on the same night (August 10th). Come to this show if you want an Irish man to sing your troubles away.
  3. Interested in becoming a serious bada$$? Take up archery at the Rancho Park Archery range. There are free lessons every Saturday (and yes, the bow and arrow rentals are free too)! But make sure to get there early because these classes are very popular. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Happy summer! by Laurie Goodman