Why Should you Host a Bruin?

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Remember being a first year? Remember the apprehension? Remember how tough it was to choose between the schools you had to choose from? Don’t you wish you had a way — some way — to immerse yourself into the school for at least a day so you could make a decision? If any of these thoughts seem familiar, maybe you participated in the Bruin Overnight Experience. If the BOE program isn’t familiar, maybe you’d like to give someone a chance that you didn’t have this April 10th. Here are some other incentives:

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Bruin Day 2014


Do you remember the day you were accepted into UCLA?  Did you scream/jump up and down/cry hysterically/all of the above?  Well now is the time to relive it, because tomorrow, Saturday, April 19th is Bruin Day at UCLA!  This is the day when prospective freshman get to come to our campus and see why UCLA is obviously the best choice for a real college experience.  We met with a few UCLA students who were kind enough to reminisce with us about their process of becoming a Bruin, from admissions letters to living On The Hill!


Daniel, a first year, recalled his admission experience with us. “I was in my living room and I just checked on my phone and my mom was freaking out and crying,” he said.

After finding out he had been admitted to UCLA, it didn’t take long before Daniel made his decision.  When asked if he went to Bruin Day, he replied, “I did go to Bruin Day and I committed like six hours later because I basically fell in love with the campus”.  After his positive experience with Bruin Day, Daniel considers the prospects of coming back to volunteer at Bruin Day for other prospective freshman.  “A bunch of my friends are volunteering and next year that’s something I plan on doing, for sure,” Daniel said.

Daniel said prospective freshmen should be drawn to UCLA for many reasons.  “[UCLA has an] extremely diverse campus, there’s something here for everyone,” Daniel said. “I found my group of people, and everyone is going to find their group, and everyone is going to find their thing. I just think you have so many resources here.”

After all admissions decisions were final, Daniel finally recalls his favorite part of living on the hill this year. “If it’s not the food, then it’s all the friends on my floor,” Daniel said.


Alice, a second year international student from Hong Kong was unable to attend Bruin Day when she was admitted, but still shared her admission experience with OTH.  “I found out through the email and the post that they sent,” Alice said.  “[I celebrated] with my parents and my family.”

When deciding on UCLA, she said, “It seemed like the climate around California was like the place I wanted to go to because I liked warm weather.”

Alice also shared with us the main reason she thought prospective freshman should attend UCLA.  “The food. I’m really happy about the food here,” she said. “The variety, the quality and the choices aren’t bad.”

Alice finally told us her favorite memories from living On The Hill freshman year.  “I guess the activities and the events that happened,” she said.  “I remembered there was one where we painted a plate and then we got to use it.”


Sebastian, a third year also told us how he got the news of his admittance.  “I found out through a letter that got sent to my house.  It was the first letter that I got, so that was nice,” he said.  “I think I went to eat steak or something. Something small.”

When asked when he knew UCLA was the school for him, he replied, “I remember I visited.  I live up near Sacramento and I had planned on going to UC Davis, I don’t know if you’ve been to Davis, but it’s flat, really flat, pretty much like the town that I come from.  It’s a perfectly nice campus and I remember seeing all the kids on bikes and I was like ‘Oh, this is cool’.  And then I remember coming here like a month or so later for the first time and I was absolutely blown away.  I remember being up near Janss Steps or being out near the library and you don’t get that from another school, it’s definitely more of an awe and shock value than it was [at UC Davis].”

Similar to what made his decision, Sebastian said that propsective freshmen should choose UCLA for the campus.  “I definitely think it’s the environment.  It’s an absolutely beautiful school,” he said.  “The environment around Los Angeles, the diversity is definitely top notch.”

Here at OTH, we can’t wait for Bruin Day 2014!  We will have our own table in Sunset Village from 10am to 2pm for those who want to stop by and grab some free swag.  We hope to see you there!

by Laurie Goodman