UCLA Parents Weekend: A Tale of 19P


Hey bud, friend. How are you doing? Yeah, no, they won’t be coming; they’re on vacation in the Bahamas right now, yes. So your parents aren’t coming to parents weekend. How can that be possible? It’s called parent’s weekend for a reason, we protest. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to show off your new roommate who speaks four languages and plays guitar. And no, you won’t be able to complain about your other roommate who leaves the light on and never remembers to clean up after her take out. But that’s okay because you have swipes.

You’re probably thinking. What? Why does that matter? Here’s why it matters: I’m here for you. No, really. I’m a 3rd year, and I’m practically 20, and I’ve been through 3 parents’ weekends. This will be the first parents’ weekend I don’t pound butter beers and stagger tearfully around bruinwalk to a slow guitar in the night. I’m here to listen to your problems, if you swipe me. Just kidding.

In all seriousness, one of the greatest upsides of being a freshman or sophomore or just a person living on the hill is the convenient access you have to meals, which is a luxury those in the apartments quite literally drool for. And though your parents won’t be here to indulge in the dining halls with you, just remember: at least you have 19p.

Must Watch Movies For Halloween


Not to scare you, but Halloween is fast approaching. This means you need to already be on that Halloween grind: have your costumes picked out, candy stocked up, and most importantly, know what scary movies you need to see. Not to worry! We have you covered on the last one. Check out some of the scariest movies of 2014 below:
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Four Terrifying Halloween Festivities You Can Do in LA


So, you’re in the spirit of celebrating Halloween like a child again, but you have no idea what you can do in LA. You can’t trick or treat anymore. You can’t sit and eat candy while watching Halloween reruns. Without further ado, here are four awesome events you can do in the spirit of Halloween. Continue reading

Stay Safe On The Hill


It’s that time of the quarter again… midterms.  Now commences the time where we will all stay up late cramming the night before and then brag to all our friends how we are running off of less sleep than they are.  Since most of you will be making late night treks from Powell, now seems like as good of a time as any to go over some safety tips for walking home late at night.

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