Your Handy Study Abroad Application Guide


So, you’re talking to all your friends, and they’re telling you about where they’re going next summer, fall, or maybe even winter. You’re bummed out that you found out about studying abroad late, and now you’re going to have sit around with FOMO until next year’s round, or so you thought. We want to point out that there are a variety of programs still available for spring ’15 and some year long ones available still too (you have until May 18th, 2015 to apply). Take a look at the link and check out each program to see what you’d be interested in. However, keep in mind that some of these programs require recommendation letters or long essays, so don’t procrastinate and try to complete the entire application last minute. To find out what sort of materials your program requires, create an account on UCEAP here and navigate to your program’s page.

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Study Abroad: Africa


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in Africa!

Africa’s number one location is Accra, Ghana!  This may be a biased account (since yours truly studied abroad there last year), but Accra is the best.  In all seriousness, come to Accra if you want to learn about international development, public health, environmental studies, or West African culture!  You can also intern with local and international NGO’s that are located in the area.  And you can’t beat buying a coconut from a guy off the side of the road who chops it open for you with a machete.

Africa’s honorable mention is Cape Town, South Africa.  With a more mild climate than West Africa, Cape Town is great for those who want to go to Africa, without as much risk of tropical diseases.  It is best for study abroad students who want to focus in political science and global studies.

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman

Study Abroad: Europe


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in Europe!

For Europe, our number one choice would be Barcelona! Enjoy the vibrant culture and daily siestas in this amazing European city. Home to some of the most unique architecture in the world, this is a great place for Art History majors, as well as those who want to perfect their Spanish.  With a mild climate, you don’t have to experience the harsh winters of other European cities.

Honorable mention for Europe goes to Prague! Most people skip over the Czech Republic when looking at study abroad sites, and don’t realize that Prague is an up and coming global European city. The “City of Spires” has a rich and preserved history as well as newer installments (like the Lennon Wall), making it a city you definitely do not want to miss!

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman

Study Abroad: Asia


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in Asia!

For Asia, Beijing is the place to be.  Now, one of the largest global business hubs, this study abroad experience is ideal for business, economics, and engineering majors!  This program also gives you the opportunity to intern for a company internationally (talk about a resume booster).  Just be prepared to give up Facebook for half a year *silent sob*.

Honorable mention for Asia goes to Bangkok, Thailand!  Not only is the food awesome (if you love spiciness), but Thailand offers programs for students studying international development, as well as global studies.

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman

Study Abroad: The Americas


Are you looking for a change in scenery from usual UCLA life? Check out OTH’s list of top places to study abroad in the Americas!

For the Americas, our top choice is Costa Rica.  It’s beautiful, the people are extremely friendly, and did I mention it’s B-E-A-UTIFUL?  This location is fantastic for studies related to conservation and the environment.  You get to have a two week field excursion through the country’s national parks, which span numerous ecological zones!  Embrace your inner biome nerd.

Chile gets the honorable mention for the Americas.  You can continue your Spanish language study while also learning about public health!  Not to mention Chile has glaciers and hot springs all within their borders (how is this even possible??).

We hope this list of study abroad sites helps you get excited for this coming year!  Visit the UCEAP website for more information!

by Laurie Goodman