Spring Drinks at the Dining Hall

Spring_Drinks-01I’ve tried many many different drinks throughout the two years that I’ve lived on the hill. You have to. There’s only so many times you can drink soda and juice without looking for some sort of new combination that’ll shock your tastebuds. So without further adue here are some favorites I’ve stumbled upon:

1. Coke/Root Beer Float

The classic float. Throw some vanilla ice cream in there and the soda of your choice. Fanta Orange, Coca cola, root beer, etc. It’s your choice. Mix it all up and enjoy the creamy goodness.

2. 7-UP + Lemonade

Want a bit more of a lemony zest to your 7UP because it tastes too much like sugar water? Throw some lemons and lemonade in your cup!

3. Orange Juice + Carbonated Water

Ever crave Orangina? Try to tease out the ratio between oj and soda water to get the drink to where you’d like. Done right, it tastes like delicious orange soda.

4. OJ + Apple + Cranberry Juice

Mixing the three juices makes for a much better punch than the one you get from the regular HI-C fruit punch because it’s a lot less sweet and has more subtle flavors. Experiment with the ratio of juice you’d like to get it just how you’d like it. I personally enjoy doing a 60-20-20 ratio (OJ/AJ/CJ)

So there you go. Here are some drinks you can try out to spice up your dining hall life. Let us know if you have any other combinations we haven’t come up with here!

Spring Quarter is the Best Quarter


Spring quarter is the best quarter, hands down. There’s a certain energy in the air. The first years have begun to acclimate and feel comfortable at school. The older students are excited for summer. Everyone walks around with an extra gait in their step. Some people have great summer internships lined up. Others look forward to lazing around for the whole summer. Such is the nature of an academic culture as ambitious as UCLA’s.

That being said, we’re excited to hear about what everyone is doing this summer. Leave a comment on our facebook post featuring this article. We’ll interview the most exciting idea! (Hint, hint: if you have a cool startup that you’ve started or are working for a great cause that needs promotion, we are your mouthpiece).

Your Handy Study Abroad Application Guide


So, you’re talking to all your friends, and they’re telling you about where they’re going next summer, fall, or maybe even winter. You’re bummed out that you found out about studying abroad late, and now you’re going to have sit around with FOMO until next year’s round, or so you thought. We want to point out that there are a variety of programs still available for spring ’15 and some year long ones available still too (you have until May 18th, 2015 to apply). Take a look at the link and check out each program to see what you’d be interested in. However, keep in mind that some of these programs require recommendation letters or long essays, so don’t procrastinate and try to complete the entire application last minute. To find out what sort of materials your program requires, create an account on UCEAP here and navigate to your program’s page.

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5 Things to Look Forward to in Spring Quarter


1. Jazz Reggae Festival

This is the chillest of all the chill events ever seen by humankind… Soar to the skies with these amazing musicians and your friends. Previous lineups have included big acts like Santigold, Lupe Fiasco and The Roots. Visit their Facebook page for updates about tickets and this year’s lineup.

2. Spring Sing

Amazing singers, amazing dancers, the next Sara Bareilles, the next Maroon 5 — all for your viewing pleasure, so take advantage of it while you’re still living On The Hill, because it’s harder to get tickets when you live off campus. Keep updated about Spring Sing here.

3. Dance Marathon

Dance the night away with your friends or help out to contribute to the cause of fighting pediatric aids! It’s a wonderful experience that you’ll always remember. UCLA has raised $3.5 million to the cause up to date. Be part of this great movement!

4. No More Rain

We still remember that horrible weekend of rain, which literally flooded Sproul Cove’s driveway at one point. Now we can enjoy the sun again!

5. Midterms

These are great ways of testing your knowledge! So study hard! (Just kidding. But at least you finished those winter quarter finals!) You are a step closer to summer.