Common Winter Quarter Illnesses and How to Prevent Them

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It’s Winter Quarter, also known as the quarter of sniffles, coughs and runny noses.

In the pressure cooker space of college, stress about midterms and constant contact with other people means that diseases often spreads easily and quickly around living spaces. Here’s a breakdown of the most common illnesses this season, what the symptoms are and how to prevent them. Obviously, while On the Hill is the insider’s guide to residential life and a great resource, it is important to consult with your doctor or a medical professional before starting any medication and for more in-depth information. Also the Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center is a great on-campus medical resource where you can make appointments for check-ups, vaccinations and a whole host of other services. They also maintain a list of current health advisories to assist students.

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UCLA On the Hill Guide to Public Transportation


Ask anyone, Los Angeles is the land of the automobile.

Southern California is well-known for its palm trees, movie stars and its miles and miles of intersecting freeways. So as a student living On the Hill – without a car – getting around L.A. area can prove to be quite the headache. Luckily there are numerous public transportation network that exist to make traveling around a bit easier. Click on the name of the transportation line for a detailed map of routes and stops.

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Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions


Things change fast in the internet world.

Google Chrome has become the most-widely used internet browser across the globe since its inception only seven years ago, beating out old standbys like Internet Explorer and Mozilla’s Firefox. Part of this has to do with speed, part of this has to do with ease-of-use and part of this has to do with the unique extensions that make web browsing quicker, easier and more efficient. Here’s a breakdown of some of the must-have Google Chrome extensions for surfing the web. Click the name for a link to download the extension.

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How to Join New Clubs


You’re looking for something to get involved with. You’ve asked around, and your friends have all pointed out the popular options: Dance Marathon, Spring Sing, SAA, CAC, CEC, fraternities/sororities, Unicamp/Camp Kesem/Bruin Woods, UCLA tours, a cultural organization, and you’re either not interested or the deadline to sign up has passed. If you haven’t heard of one of these organizations, check ’em out! You could be eligible to apply. However, assuming that you’ve gone through all of the above options, here’s a way you can figure out what to join:

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Today is Martin Luther King, Jr Day. It is a day that we will salute the man for his forays towards integrating people into a nationwide conversation about equality that persists to this day.

Often, the significance of these holidays gets lost in the mix of things. We acknowledge that while many will not dedicate the entirety of their day into celebrating Martin Luther King Jr., there’s a simple way to honor the man and everything he stood up for! Today is also known as MLK Service Day, so why not go out there and do something good for the community? Pay it forward, because today, we remember a man who died for a great cause. Happy MLK Day!

What to do When Construction is Interfering With Your Peace of Mind


Oh no. You’re startled awake by the walls shaking and loud construction noises coming from the Rendezvous construction. Again. You check the time. “8am?! WAY too early,” you’re thinking. Or maybe you’re trying to study but the racket just won’t let you get in the zone. Or maybe you’re not sleeping or studying at all, but the noise is simply ruining your inner peace. We’ll admit, construction sounds are definitely not our daily walk in the park either, but here at OTH, we believe in making the best out of any situation. Here’s 8 things you can do to still manage your time wisely and show that construction site who the real winner is.

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