5 Things You Didn’t Know About Spring Sing



Spring Sing is a week away! Got your tickets but still not too sure what Spring Sing is all about? Here are some cool facts you can share with your sleep-deprived friends as everyone drowns in midterms and papers.

1. Spring Sing began as a competition between fraternity singing groups serenading sororities in Royce Hall

2. Royce Hall soon became too small after Spring Sing became popular in the 50’s/60’s, so the event was moved to the Hollywood Bowl, where up to 15,000 people attended each year

3. Spring Sing was on hiatus for 8 years in the 70’s, but it was revived by students and alumni and relocated to LATC (Los Angeles Tennis Center)

4. Did you know Maroon 5 was part of Spring Sing? Even more surprisingly, perhaps, is the fact that they did not win. However, another familiar name, Sara Bareilles, won Spring Sing twice in a row in 2002 and 2003

5. You can watch all of UCLA Company’s hilarious UCLA-themed skits and rewatch great musical performances from previous years on Youtube. You’re welcome. We’ve just given you at least an hour’s worth of procrastination and discussion

by Jerry Cheung

5 Things to Look Forward to in Spring Quarter


1. Jazz Reggae Festival

This is the chillest of all the chill events ever seen by humankind… Soar to the skies with these amazing musicians and your friends. Previous lineups have included big acts like Santigold, Lupe Fiasco and The Roots. Visit their Facebook page for updates about tickets and this year’s lineup.

2. Spring Sing

Amazing singers, amazing dancers, the next Sara Bareilles, the next Maroon 5 — all for your viewing pleasure, so take advantage of it while you’re still living On The Hill, because it’s harder to get tickets when you live off campus. Keep updated about Spring Sing here.

3. Dance Marathon

Dance the night away with your friends or help out to contribute to the cause of fighting pediatric aids! It’s a wonderful experience that you’ll always remember. UCLA has raised $3.5 million to the cause up to date. Be part of this great movement!

4. No More Rain

We still remember that horrible weekend of rain, which literally flooded Sproul Cove’s driveway at one point. Now we can enjoy the sun again!

5. Midterms

These are great ways of testing your knowledge! So study hard! (Just kidding. But at least you finished those winter quarter finals!) You are a step closer to summer.